What is OligoLab system ( Oligocheck/ALL-check/So check Blend) Technology?
Minerals and trace elements are now recognized as new molecular biomarkers for chronic diseases. Gut absorption and tissue bioavailability are of high priority for enzymatic energy production at a cellular level within body organs.
Measurements of their level in the blood however do not offer early significant medical clues most of the time. On the contrary, their tissue level is much more reliable and any disturbance in their tissue level provides an early sign of a significant health problem.
Minerals and trace elements tissue levels can be reliably measured by specialized spectrophotometer devices e.g. oligoscan. However, the interpretation of their significance in terms of the tissue level of each one of them alone and or in correlation with other minerals’ levels is extremely difficult to analyze.…
How to read OligoLab Tests?
Advanced Oligohealth Tests
Oligohealth tests show static cell behavior related to values and numbers only in contrast to advanced Oligohealth test which shows dynamic cell behavior analysis so that it can trace cell membrane transport and mitochondrial activity through tissue consumption and storage, cell detox, and bioavailability functions.
How to read OligoLab Tests?
Advanced Standard Test
Standard tests show static cell behavior related to values and numbers only in contrast to advanced OligoStandard / Lab tests which show dynamic cell behavior analysis, so can trace cell membrane transport and mitochondrial activity through tissue consumption and storage, cell detox, and bioavailability functions.