Veinolab IV Formulation

Veinolab is a unique AI software that correlates blood chemistry test result to tissue health problems and bio-integrative solutions, particularly smart IV infusions. 
The technique comprises the use of already available clinical correlations between blood chemistry results of health/disease conditions and different investigative, diagnostic and therapeutic protocols in scientific literature from approved libraries.

In such way Veinolab works as a new huge google health guidelines for all healthcare practitioners to pave the way for fast,  accurate and effective tool to support clients’ diagnosis and therapy using simple blood chemistry test to check cell health from outside in ( checking proper absorption of plama ingredients across intestinal cell membranes ).

The technique can be used in association with the well-known oxy-lab/scan system ( optional ) to get more info about tissue analysis via simple spectroscopy methodology using AI finger oximeter ( tissue oxymetry) - being integrated with AI Oligolab system - as a more efficient way to check health from inside out ( checking sufficient availability of cell ingredients for proper organ energy production based on consumption/storage ratios).

The use of finger oxymeter allows the system to integrate oxygen concentrations in tissues (TSI) via checking arterial oxygen saturation for valid biochemical assessment used to issue non false-positive reports through oxy-oligoscan/lab system. 

The combination of oligo/veinolab systems (V5) allows healthcare professionals to check the relation between blood plasma as a transport system and intracellular ingredients for better absorption vs energy production at a cellular level. 

Once this clinical relation is clear, a better understanding of a lot or hidden and unexplained diagnostics are clear.
